Saturday, January 24, 2009
Running on the Sun: The Badwater 135
I am left with the feeling that there is a whole bunch of crazies out there.
"Don't you ever think of doing that one", says Jess.
"Not me, never" says I.
There was however this little piece of me though that thought.......... well, let's just not go there.
There were people 20 years older than me who finished the race, and maybe if I could follow a can of Murphy's Irish Stout tied to a van, then who knows? One day. Maybe
I just went there didn't I.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Back home - time to train
I know that WIlbur and Sarah missed their running buddy, and we all have some cobwebs, so it is time to start logging some miles. I would like to do over 25 miles this weekend. We'll see.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On the road again
Motivational Stuff
Youtube is a wonderful medium. If I feel that I need some motivation to get out and do a long run, despite grotty weather, or too hot or whatever excuse comes to mind. I find a good way to inspire me to get off the couch is to start surfing some of the youtube videos. Here is one I recently stumbled across. It features Ultramarathoner/Navy Seal David Coggins on a 15o mile Ultra.
As I find more, I'll post them - plus I will post some of my favorites.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Gold in Umstead?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Running at night

Sunday, January 4, 2009
What is this all about then?
In March 2005, I did my first organized run, which was the Asics Reading Half Marathon in Reading England. Wow, I was hooked.
A few half marathons, 10K's, 5K's later, I competed my first full marathon in March 2007 (Shamrock in Virginia Beach), and later the same year, I did the inaugural City of Oaks Marathon in Raleigh NC. I have done one other marathon - the OBX (Outer Banks NC) in November 2008. My marathon times have ranged between 4:26 and 5:22.
Over these 4 years, I have lost about 35-40lbs, and in the last 18 months, ("phase 3" was get a physical) got my blood pressure into normal range, and dropped my total cholesterol from 238 (high) to 154 (optimal) without medication.
Early in 2008, I stumbled upon Dean Karnazes' first book, Ultramarathon Man, Confessions of an all Night Runner. I was enthralled with Dean's description of his first 100 mile run, the Western States 100. "I would love to try one of those", I thought. Idiot.
I discovered there is a 100 mile race fairly close to home, the Umstead 100. Fortunately, the good folks at the North Carolina Ultra Running Association won't let me enter the 100 mile race, without having done at least a 50 miler before. So I entered the 50. Idiot.
So, I have a lot of running, training, and learning to do before April 4th. Here is where you can follow my journey leading up to the Umstead 50 and beyond (hopefully not TO the beyond).
In short, what started off as a way to get fit, has turned into a fully fledged mid-life crisis - however, one that is cheaper than a Porsche or Harley, and easier to manage than a 'fling' ;-).
This is another test.
Only one thing of note on the run, I saw a couple walking their two dogs - a Yellow Lab, and a beautiful Goldie. They were off leash (so Wilbur got a bit too excited), nothing strange with that so far - except, they were also walking their cat (also off leash).
Anyway, today was a pleasant 5.5 miles, and I was pleased that after yesterdays 16.5, I had no lingering after effects.
Just to warm you up
As January unfolds, and it seems an age until we get warm weather again, I came upon this picture while emptying our camera. It is a bleak day today, and just looking at it kinda warms me up.
Meet my training partners

Saturday, January 3, 2009
This is a test post
Apparently you can post to a blog straight from email.
We'll see.
Edit: Wow, it works!